
A long hiatus...

The project stalled out a bit as work and school were eating a lot of my time, and there were looming hardware expenses as well. But I haven't been entirely idle! I have most of a replacement neck built for my Stingray 5-string. It's a 35-inch scale, 23-fret, fretted neck with Musicman-style headstock. Fingerboard is macassar ebony, neck is 5-piece maple and bubinga with a 15-degree tilt-back scarf-jointed headstock and macassar headplate. Two graphite stabilization rods, and same style of home-made truss rod which will be used in the 6-string that this blog was created for. Nut will be red brass, tuners are chrome Hipshot Ultralites. Once I have the neck completed, I plan to sell my lovely Bongo 5-string to fund further work on the 6. Pictures of in-progress Stingray neck to follow....