
This sketch slowly evolved over the course of a few weeks. It sat on my coffee table collecting food stains and suffering from furious erasing. It's pretty close to scale, one of the (nearly invisible) grid lines corresponds to one inch. Once this gets enlarged and transferred to a full-scale plywood prototype, it will probably change a bit. Then once the wood is all glued together and I start carving it will probably change a lot...

Update: OK, so this page should be its own blog... I've got a new sketch which I like much better. Less detail, but when I was tracing the basic outline of the original the paper shifted and I lost the centerline, so drawing on a bunch of ill-proportioned or cockeyed laminates and pickups didn't seem worth it.
The new body lines sort of remind me of a Roscoe SKB mixed with a Warwick Infinity, which are two basses which I've always found to be very good looking. This design is more interesting to my eye than the original, while not being all that much of a departure in overall shape.

Then the idea of more frets occurred to me. LMI has fretting templates for 35" scale which go up to 30 frets, and fingerboard blanks of a length to match. So I'm shooting for 28 frets, and I've altered the proportions, mostly deepening the high-fret cutaway.